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Keg-Fresh Sake in Europe

ヨーロッパ で 出来立て の 日本酒 を


酒蔵で搾りたて・加水なし、原酒生酒です。これは 酒蔵でしか味わえない特別な酒です。


光・酸素を通さない構造特殊容器の特性を持つ KEG DRAFT を使用すれば、新鮮さと品質を保ったまま開栓後から最後の一滴まで搾りたて感を持続します。



Fresh sake from keg in Europe.

ヨーロッパ で 出来立て の 日本酒 を

Keg-Fresh Sake in Europe

What is fresh sake?

Fresh sake is unpasteurised, freshly pressed and without any added water. This is special sake that can only be tasted at the sake brewery.

What is keg-fresh sake?

KEG DRAFT offers a special keg structure that limits penetration by light or oxygen. This maintains sake freshness and quality to the very last drop.

Why does fresh sake taste better than bottled sake?

Immediately after pressing, fresh sake is packaged into kegs. This keeps the lightly sparking mouthfeel that naturally occurs during fermentation. It also preserves the juicy taste of fresh-picked fruit that is not present in bottled sake.

In the idyllic "Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter," a man peacefully rows a boat along a serene canal in a small town.

The freshest sake delivered direct to your door from the brewery in Japan. High quality assured. The distinct taste of Japan, exactly as the sake brewer intended.